National Office
Purpose of the National Office
Cardinal Key National Honor Society, Inc is governed by active and alumni members. Cardinal Key members (active or alumni) attend the biennial conference, with each chapter (collegiate and alumni) having one voting delegate (as designated by the chapter). Delegates determine changes to the Constitution and Bylaws and elect National Officers from active and alumni Cardinal Key Members. Delegates to the National Convention serve as the legislative body of Cardinal Key National Honor Society, Inc.
The National Board of Directors serves to maintain the National organization, guide its future, and assist local chapters in the successful operation of their chapter. It is comprised of two bodies which work in conjunction: the National Board of Governors and the Adult Advisory Board.
The National Board of Governors:
- Consists of the appointed National Directors (or Director and Assistant Director) and four elected National Officers.
- Is the administrative body of Cardinal Key, enforcing the Constitution and Bylaws and society regulations.
- Has emergency legislative powers in the interim between Conventions
- Plans the National Convention.
The Adult Advisory Board is composed of three members (National Advisors) appointed by the National Director(s). Their duties:
- Counsels the Board of Governors
- Assists the National Directors
- Attends the National Conventions
Elections and Appointments
The election of National Officers and appointment of National Advisors occurs at the biennial National Convention (Conference). Any attending member of a Convention who meets the qualifications set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws may be elected to a National Office. The nominees must have a dedicated commitment to the future of Cardinal Key. A brief description of these positions follows.
The National Directors are responsible for the overall welfare and interests of the Society. As such, they act as chief executive officers and official representatives. They see to the day-to-day operation of the Society.
The National Advisors are appointed by the National Director(s) at each Convention (one per Convention) for a six-year term (two term limit). This positions may be held by any active or alumni Cardinal Key Member, or Chapter Sponsor. The Retired National Director(s), with no limit of terms, also serves on the Adult Advisory Board.
The National President is in charge of presiding over Board of Directors meetings and the Convention, as well as working with the Board of Directors to create the theme and order of business for the Convention.
The National Vice President performs the duties for the president when necessary and coordinates our National Project (held during the National Convention) with Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
The National Secretary records and keeps minutes of the National Convention and meetings of the Board of Directors.
The National Parliamentarian ensures that the meetings of the Board of Directors and the National Convention maintain parliamentary procedure, and ensures that amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws are in order.